the (almost) magical shut-down ritual
Check out podcast episode 026: you need a shutdown ritual
Do you often find yourself feeling drained, anxious, and guilty about not getting enough work done during “work time”? You're not alone. Many of us struggle with staying focused and productive throughout the day, leading to feelings of burnout.
Recently, I discovered an almost magical power that has transformed my approach to productivity: a 7-step shut down ritual for ending each workday on a high note. Inspired by Todoist’s excellent article, here are the simple steps you can follow:
1. Clean up your physical and digital workspaces
Close tabs, save emails, tidy papers, plug in devices, and put away pens to leave your workspace organized.
2. Review what you've accomplished today
Reflect on the tasks completed, projects moved forward, and progress made throughout the day.
3. Confront things you've been putting off
Break down daunting tasks into smaller ones to avoid procrastination and create a sense of momentum.
4. Write out tomorrow's list
Write down tasks for the next day while they're still fresh in your mind.
5. Pick tomorrow's most important task
Identify one key objective that will make you feel like you've already won, and prioritize it first thing tomorrow morning.
6. Set a time to end your workday
Schedule a specific closing time, whether it's for personal or family commitments, to maintain healthy boundaries between work and life.
7. End on a high note
Forgive yourself for incomplete tasks, show gratitude to those who helped you today, and consider doing something kind for someone else before leaving the office.
By incorporating this 7-step shut down ritual into your daily routine, you'll feel more in control, productive, and refreshed at the end of each workday. Give it a try and see how it transforms your productivity!